CatDogFleaFlea treatmentGroomingTickWinter Winter Care for Your Pets: Managing Fleas, Ticks, and..01/06/2023Evan Shaw As the cooler months approach, it’s important to remember that your pet’s thick, fluffy coat still..Read more
DogFleaNeovetSimparica TrioTickWormingHow Often Does My Dog Need Flea, Tick and Worm Treatment?10/01/2023Evan Shaw Fleas, ticks, and worms can be detrimental to the health of your dog. They can cause skin irritation,..Read more
DogPuppySimparicaSimparica TrioTickHow Can I Protect My Dog From Ticks?30/11/2022Evan Shaw Tick paralysis is one of the most common pet emergencies and, with ticks prevalent throughout northern and..Read more
CatEar mitesFleaHeartwormHookwormLungwormnugardRoundwormTapewormTickWormingIs Advocate for Cats Actually Better?12/10/2022Evan Shaw Advocate for cats, Revolution, Advantage, Frontline, Bravecto, Nugard – the options for parasite..Read more
DogFleaHeartwormHookwormPuppyRoundwormSimparica TrioTickWormingWhy Vets Recommend Simparica Trio for Dogs in Australia14/09/2022Evan Shaw Simparica Trio provides broad protection against fleas, ticks, intestinal worms and heartworm and is..Read more